Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Do I regret supporting the Green Party? No I don't.

And if I do it's only because even the Green Party isn't doing enough about what is important to our world.

Trump's post about shutting down the government may have been upsetting, but it was nothing compared to the well supported response by some random Democrat accusing Trump of the horrors of a gas tax increase.  Now why a gas tax increase is needed could (and probably should be) a whole other blog post, but let's just go with the basics of it encourages more cars, which encourages more pollution.  Not to mention numerous other problems.

No, the Democratic Party doesn't get my support just because "they aren't Republicans",  And while they talk different, in practicality I can find almost no differences.  In fact, sometimes Republican policy, while I doubt ever deliberate, can actually be better for some of the things I care about than Democratic Policy.

But before I get into that I should probably talk about what matters and what I care about:

1.  Who is going to stop the slaughter of the billions of innocent animals that are killed each year just because they are born the wrong species?

Answer: Neither-in fact Democrats subsidize this senseless violence with our tax payer dollars the same way that Republicans do.   In fact, collectively the meat and dairy industry receive more in tax payer dollars than they make in profits.   Even the Green Party has said little about this.  So if Trump shuts the government down guess who probably isn't going to get money to abuse animals, at least while it is shut down.

2.  Who is going to create a people centered America, instead of a car-centered America?   Neither-In fact, after 8 years of a Democratic president we saw a record number of car purchases, a record number of pedestrian deaths, and a public transit system in the nations capital charging record prices, while offering reduced service and reduced reliability.   So given this why would I sign up to do this again?   Oslo is building a car -free city.   But neither political party is even talking about it...all they can talk about is more roads.  

So, in conclusion I have no regrets about my pre-election choices, comments, etc.  If Democrats want votes they have to actually take a stand and do something, at least something beyond arguing for their own selfish needs that don't do anything for the larger picture of our planet.


What's the deal with J Street (IMHO)

 IMHO, J street is just another form of Zionism, that uses a different tactic that appeals to a more liberal/left wing audience.    In my op...