Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Good news: Arlington County Virginia just made it more expensive to park

It just got more expensive to park in Arlington County Virginia.   The  so called "walkable" community of Arlington despite bragging about "carfreeism" and walkability, generally in practice favors drivers.

But in good news the county in the 2019 budget included an increased parking meter fee of 25 cents per hour and extended paid hours to 8pm, instead of the current 6pm. 

Granted this is mainly a revenue move, but it will have great benefits in that it will discourage bringing cars into areas where they are absolutely not needed.   Most central urban areas of Arlington have a metro station, multiple buses and there is a decent sized biking community.   Not to mention many pedestrians.  Even more so eliminating the 6pm to 8pm time slot might have an even bigger impact on discouraging SUVs which are 3x as likely to kill pedestrians and cyclists.  As many kids go to bed early this will discourage families with their mostly 2 kids, who probably drive SUVs because they can't cope with their existence as parents; despite claiming it is for other reasons or just getting defensive when the topic is brought up.   By the way the statement that SUV drivers don't like to acknowledge the existence of their offspring,  actually comes from auto company research. 

Anyway, yay for parking meter increases!   Keep them coming- in Arlington and elsewhere. 


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