Sunday, January 24, 2016

High and Mighty trivia

I've decided to do a trivia quiz based on Keith Bradsher's excellent book called High and Mighty the Dangerous Rise of the SUV (I'll also include a link to its amazon page at the bottom).

1. True or False: A Dr. Martinez of the NHTSA did a study that estimated the design of light trucks to be causing 200 extra deaths a year (compared to cars).

2.  True or False: SUV advertising caters to people who market researches describe as especially self-centered.

3.  True or False: Car dealers often have more influence on Capital Hill than even the automakers.

4.  True or False: A very problematic loophole is that cars and light trucks (aka SUVs) are classified differently.

5.  True or False; The worst danger from SUVs comes from their weight.

6.  True or False; North American drivers tend to view vehicle safety the same way as European and Asian drivers.

7.  Which of the following does Bradsher suggest to decrease deaths from SUVs and to decrease the number of SUVs.  A.  Encouraging insurance companies to charge rates based on the danger the vehicle posses to others.  B.  Not allowing 16 year olds to drive SUVs or pick-up trucks.  C.  Banning Steel Grille Guards in cities.  D.  All of the above.

8. True or False Some people buy SUVs due to an irrational fear of crime.

9.  True or False.  While SUVs often cause knee injuries to pedestrians they rarely kill.

10.  Which two senators in the early 2000's  proposed legislation to increase both the fuel efficiency of cars and light trucks to 35 mpg, but were viciously and selfishly attacked by the United Auto Workers and others?

1. False, the study actually found that there were an additional 2000 deaths a year!

2.  True.  Market research shows that SUV drivers are more likely to not only be self-centered, but have a number of other negative personality traits and insecurities.  Thus advertisers play to these.

3.  True.  There are dealers in almost every district and according to Bradsher they tend to give more generously than automakers.  Granted this didn't of course stop Congress from stealing tax payer dollars and giving them to the automakers who flew to Capital Hill in private jets.

4.  True.  This has allowed SUVs to not have to meet standards both when it comes to parts and when it comes to fuel efficiency among other things.

5.  False.  The worst danger actually comes from their flat end design, among other design problems.
6.  False.  European and Asians tend to have a much more accurate view of what makes a safe vehicle.  Rather than falsely relying on size, according to Nissan's past president Jerry Hirshberg, Europeans and Asians tend to associate safety with a nimble vehicle with excellent breaks that can swerve to avoid a collision.

7.  D. All of the above.  Steel Grille Guards are especially deadly to pedestrians.

8.  True.  And the marketers know this and play on it in advertising.

9. False.  This actually describes sedans and to some extend minivans(not SUVs).  The flat ends on SUVs are much more likely to kill and this is particularly true for children or shorter adults.

10.  John Kerry (Massachusetts) and Ernest Hollings (South Carolina)


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