Thursday, January 22, 2015

Why I first became vegetarian 21 years ago.

Today I thought I would share the story about how I first became vegetarian.  When I was thirteen we had fish including catfish.  The catfish and algae eaters were some of my favorite fish in the tank.

One day at a family gathering someone brought over catfish to be grilled.  It was at that point that I made the connection between what I was eating and the pets I was fond of.

Because my parents were not fully in support of me becoming a vegetarian I did not instantly become a vegetarian.  They generally though it was good I wasn't eating beef, somewhat accepted I didn't want to eat fowl and tried to shove fish down my throat.  They were also convinced that it was just a phase.

Also 21 years ago you have to remember the internet not widespread and so getting information to my parents or even for my own use was somewhat limited.  Getting good vegetarian, not to mention vegan, food literally meant going about half an hour to a specialty health food store.

But eventually I was able to convince my parents of my choice to be vegetarian.  I took up doing my own cooking and even started cooking vegetarian meals for my family.  They now admit that it was not a phase.


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