Tuesday, April 14, 2015

My take on Price of Travels Dublin Ranking

Price of Travel is a site that runs indexes which rank cities in various parts of the world from least to most expensive.   Today we will cover there price ranking for Dublin.

First off let me say I don't envy the job of those at Price of Travel.  When you are talking about dealing with 56 different cities that is no easy task.  Honestly, I don't currently have enough expertise to even comment on probably at least 50 of these cities, but I am going to comment on a few that are my areas of expertise.  Price of Travel offers different indexes and we will look at the 3-star hotel index.

Dublin is ranked as the 34th least expensive out of 56 cities.

Let's start with the description: I give the description a 4 out of 10.  Firstly, because it underestimates what a great city Dublin is.  Secondly, the Dublin Pass won't likely save you money and if you bought a Dublin Pass you would greatly exceed the budget given for attractions, etc For more details see "Why you might want to pass on the Dublin Pass".  Other than that the review is okay.

Cheap 3 star hotel:  (Underestimate) They list a hotel and say that you can stay there for 36.97 dollars a day or just under 40 US dollars.  But when I looked up the price it was around 97 US dollars.  I've also looked around at hotel prices and have found prices in Dublin that were good deals (such as 70 dollars a night including breakfast), but nothing for as little as 40 US dollars. That being said you could probably find a hostel for that price.

Transportation: (Do able if you are thrifty)  They list the price as 10 euros a day.  This is certainly possible, but would require that you mainly use public transit, cycling, and/or walking.  One taxi ride of almost any distance and you would use up this budget.  This would also be more dependent on where you are staying. Could include hop-on hop-off bus if you are not using any public transit or taxis.

Meals: At 31 euros a day is probably more than one has to spend as our hotel included breakfast and we grocery shop to save money.  Just avoid the expensive (and overpriced) Temple Bar neighborhood.   (http://kaufmangreenbooksandguides.blogspot.com/2014/11/grocery-shopping-affordable-travel.html).

Drinks and Entertainment: 18 euro a day should be fine if you are not a heavy drinker.  Again, to save money look for pubs outside of Temple Bar.

Attractions: At 10 euro a day this depends on what you want to see and how many attractions you tend to get to in a day.  But I do think 10 euro a day might be somewhat restrictive and a challenge.  This actually exceeds the cost of a few attractions in itself including the popular Guinness Factory.

For more information on Dublin, see the Kaufman Green Guide Dublin.



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