Monday, March 23, 2015

Ted Cruz: Using Catchy Slogans to Hide a Dangerous Agenda

Ted Cruz (2016 Presidential Candidate) may have some good slogans.  I think a lot of people (including myself) would like to see the IRS abolished.  And I don't agree with taxing people who can't afford or don't want health insurance.  As a Jew, of course I am concerned about Israel.

But what lies beneath these slogan of Ted Cruz is quite scary.  

Ted the Hateful Homophob

It seems that Ted Cruz is trying to play to Jews, like myself, but I can see right through him (and hope other Jews will to).  It is quite clear to me, even from Ted Cruz's own website that he is horrifically homophobic and has gone out of his way to discriminate against the gay community creating legislation that would sadly stop two people who love each other from getting married. 

What does this have to do with Judaism. During the Holocaust not only were Jews murdered and imprisoned so were homosexuals (and many other groups of people to).  The discrimination did not start with murdering people either, it started with passing laws that impacted Jews...including laws about marriage. 

I refuse to support a candidate who will do to others, what was done to my people.  Nor do I trust someone who has such hate for innocent people just wanting to live their lives happily and with the same basic rights all of us should enjoy.    

Ted and the Banks

Given the amount of the money that has already been stolen from American citizens and given to banks Ted Cruz's relationship with banks in particular Goldman Sachs is quite disturbing.  According to the Center for Responsive Politics Goldman Sachs is Ted's number 4 contributor.  But it gets worse...they have also been his wives employer and probably will be in the future (she is taking a break to help Ted run is campaign).

What good will America be if it's underwater?

I'm guessing this won't come as a surprise but according to the Center for Responsive Politics, Ted Cruz also takes a lot of money from big oil and basically even according to his own website wants to allow everyone to pollute as much as they want to.  Not that any recent president we have had, has done a good job on preventing global warming, but this is down right scary.  With 2014 being the warmest year on record this is even scarier (and by the way snow doesn't come from nowhere it comes from melting ice), as when it comes to saving our planet we may be quickly approaching an end game that we likely won't be able to recover from (nor will the rest of the world).  



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