Thursday, December 28, 2023

Vegan Parfait

 Vegan Parfait

This is an easy to make treat!   You can multiply the recipe depending how many you are making.   Each makes ones.   


One vegan yogurt (I used So-Delicious Coconut)

One oreo cookie crumbled

A few slices of pear (cut similar to picture).   

A handful of trail mix

Just follow the picture and arrange as seen.   I like to go in the order oreo, pear slices and then trail mix. Enjoy!   

   And check out my other recipes:

Cinnamon Apple Bread Easy WFPB Pumpkin Cookies

Lime Flavored Rice

Marinated Black Beans

Mayo (vegan)

Sunday, December 24, 2023

Zionist Psychology 101

 There was an excellent #SARS2 thread recently on the psychology of COVID denial.   See: Mike Hoerger, PhD MSCR MBA on X: "As a clinical health psychologist, I notice that many people are using psychological defense mechanisms to downplay the risk of COVID. These are my Top 7 examples: 🧵" / X (

So, as an MSW and someone who was in raised and left Zionism, I've decided to apply the same to Zionism. I'll go through and explain the defense mechanisms Zionists use.

#1 – Denial – Pretending a problem does not exist to provide artificial relief from anxiety.

  • Accusing Gazans of making up images or stories.
  • Making videos mocking Gazans.
  • Claiming Gazans have plenty of resources like food, water or electricity (even though the government of Israel has publicly stated cutting these off).  
  • Using the term war, instead of genocide or Holocaust.     
  • Saying media coverage is biased towards the Palestinians.   
  • Citing the Israeli government or IOF (IDF).    
  • Obsessing over one lie or misprint in a newspaper and generalizing it to everything related to Gaza or Palestinians.   
  • Dehumanizing Palestinians.

#2 – Projection – When someone takes what they are feeling and attempts to put it on someone else to artificially reduce their own anxiety.

  • Americans (or others in the diaspora) posting pictures of Israeli flags, especially as profile pictures.
  • "Stand with Israel"
  • Calling criticism of Israel antisemitism (could also be #3 displacement) 

#3 – Displacement – When someone takes their anxiety and redirects their discomfort toward someone or something else.

  • Irrational angry outbursts.
  • White people who are unhappy with their own lives taking out their anger on Gazans.
  • Telling Gaza supporters to go to Gaza.
  • Shaming, guilting or exiling Jews who don't support genocide ("What is wrong with you", You aren't really a Jew, etc).
  • Calling criticism of Israel antisemitism (could also be #2).
  • Blaming Hamas instead of Israel.
  • University witch hunts.

#4 – Compartmentalization – Holding two conflicting ideas or behaviors, such as caution and incaution, rather than dealing with the anxiety evoked by considering the incautious behaviors more deeply (hypocrisy)

  • Talking about reducing civilian "casualties of war" (when it is actually a genocide).
  • Rabbis or others stating concerns about the conditions of Palestinians while stating they support Israel.
  • Asking for understanding for those who "aren't ready for a ceasefire" rather than being concerned about how many people will die because of that.

#5 – Reaction formation – expressing artificial positive feelings when actually experiencing anxiety

  • Talk of how Gaza will be better when the "war" is over.
  • Articles about how a child in Gaza got medical care in Israel at sometime.
  • Talking about how the Jewish community is coming together to support each other (even though the opposite is true).

#6 – Rationalization – Artificially reducing anxiety through a weak justification.

  • Citing Hamas
  • Citing Oct 7
  • Citing Hostages
  • Claiming Israel is the only "safe" place for Jews (It isn't).
  • Zionist vegans citing Israel has more vegans than Palestine.
  • Citing or in many cases misciting issues like LGBQT rights or women's rights to justify killing Gazans.
  • Also, not Zionists but the silent: Not speaking up because it might offend people.
  • Also, not Zionists but the silent: Being more concerned with feelings of others than deaths.

#7 – Intellectualization – using extensive cognitive arguments to artificially circumvent genocide anxiety

  • Long rambling threads trying to justify genocide.
  • Long rambling articles trying to justify genocide.
  • Think tanks funded by or affiliated with AIPAC.
Other posts on Zionism:

Rachelle Kaufman is the author of a number of books including An American Jew in Budapest eBook : Kaufman, Rachelle.   Having been brainwashed that "Israel is always right" from childhood, Rachelle has overcome that brainwashing to see the truth.   

Saturday, December 2, 2023

Today's Zionism is in violation of Judaism.


This post may just be a messy train of thought.  I think the point I would like to make though is Jewish doesn't equal Zionist.   

In fact, Zionism is in direct violation of the Torah, at least in the way Zionism is currently being carried out. Today's Zionists disobey and ignore at least half of the ten commandments.

  • Thou shalt not kill (self explanatory)
  • Remember the Sabath Day, keep it holy (Zionists can't even stop killing on the Sabbath)
  • Thou shall not steal (food, water, homes, electricity, etc)
  • Thou shall not bear false witness against thy neighbor (Let's be honest, there are a lot of Zionist lies)
  • Thou shall not covet thy neighbor's house (which I would take to include the land the house is built on)
But I would also like to make a point of, don't play into the hands of the Zionists.   The Zionists work very hard to convince Jews that Jewish=Zionist.   When describing the behaviors (etc) of Zionists make sure you say Zionists and not Jews.     

On a similar note, I highly recommend against using antisemitic/ anti-Jewish symbols like swastikas.   Yes, because I would say most Jews including anti-Zionist Jews find it hurtful, but more importantly it plays into the Zionists, by equating Jews with Zionists. That a Jew has to be a Zionist is what the Zionists want all Jews to think.    I do want to mention though, I think the use of swastikas is actually limited to a very small number of individuals, but Zionists will play it up and try to make it seem common-perhaps another reason to not do this.   

I also hope Jews who are reading this will learn from this.   And if they are Zionists or perhaps not sure if they are or aren't, they will consider this.    And consider all the ways that modern Zionism is violating Judaism.   

Rachelle Kaufman is the author of a number of books including An American Jew in Budapest eBook : Kaufman, Rachelle Having been brainwashed that "Israel is always right" from childhood, Rachelle has overcome that brainwashing to see the truth.   

Thursday, November 30, 2023

Post-frost vegetables only soup (or beverage)-vegan and gluten free


This soup uses only vegetables that will survive the first frost.   Made thinner with water this can also be a beverage.   

The very simple directions are broadly chop where needed.  and soak in salt water for at least an hour.  Rinse thoroughly and discard water.  Throw everything into an instant pot (using soup setting).   Cool and then blend in a blender.   


Water (which will be discarded) mixed with 1 to 2 tsp salt.   

One turnip with leaves.   

About 2 cups of additional turnip leaves or kale leaves (Swiss Chard would probably also work).   A mix is preferable.   

About 1/4 cup green onions or green onion clippings*.

About 1 to 2 TBS green garlic.   If you don't have this, you could use a clove of garlic or omit.   

About 1/2 cup cilantro.   

1 to 3 cups water.   If you use one cup it will be thicker, but watch out for burning.   

Highly recommended: Vegan Bouillon Cube.   I used the Massel Pho Cube-see link if interested.   Asian Instant Soup In A Cube Recipes - Massel

Completely Optional: Pasta or rice that people can add in.

Also Optional: Dehydrated Green Onions or Green Garlic for the top

*By clippings I'm referring to the tops that some of us cut off to keep the green onions growing straight.   

And check out my other recipes:

Cinnamon Apple Bread Easy WFPB Pumpkin Cookies

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Lessons from the Hungarian Holocaust: Even with a ceasefire Israel will still continue to kill.

 People often associate the Holocaust with gas chambers and concentration camps.   In Budapest (and other places) there was a lot more to the Holocaust then that.   And as an author of two books on Budapest, I can tell you this; There is a lot that resembles what is happening in Gaza currently.   

I support a ceasefire.   But I don't see that as the end of the genocide of the Israeli government.   In Budapest people were forced out of their homes into small crowded areas.   Sounds familiar.  

Now let's explore how genocide is committed using these techniques.  During the Holocaust in Budapest many people died from disease.   Crowded conditions and lack of resources make it easy for disease to spread and be more deadly.   The Israeli government has forced people out of their homes with bombing and threats of bombing and denied people basic resources like food, water and electricity.  

The spread of disease is even more of a problem currently as we are still in a SARS2 pandemic, despite what various world oligarchs seeking personal gains and reelection say.   And despite what they are pushing those who work under them to say. 

Furthermore, SARS2 carries an advantage in that it damages T-cells and the immune system.   Causing people to have weaker immune systems and more other viruses and diseases to spread.   SARS2 very likely has many long term effects that can be deadly including an increased chance of heart attack and stroke.  And that each even if one doesn't have a heart attack or stroke, each infection one gets is a chance a person might die, especially with limited medical treatment.  In addition to SARS2, tuberculosis is also on the rise.   The government of Israel is not just killing by bullets and bombs, they are also killing by disease.   Even with a ceasefire, the government of Israel still has created the conditions they want to commit genocide and kill the people of Gaza.   

Not only that in Budapest Jews were shot on the streets and near the Danube River.  Now it is worse, in the weapons used are bigger and more deadly.    But even by IF* (Israeli Forces) video, there is video evidence of four likely unarmed surrounding Palestinians being shot dead.   

My point is you don't have to have gas chambers and concentration camps to have a Holocaust.   You simply have to have dehumanization, brainwashed crowds chanting slogans supporting the killing "aka stand with Israel" and even more brainwashed people willing to passively or actively kill for the predator class.   

So, I will say it again.  Never again is never again.   For everybody.  

*I use the term IF verses IDF, because they aren't defense forces when they are attacking the innocent.   

Rachelle Kaufman is the author of a number of books including An American Jew in Budapest eBook : Kaufman, Rachelle and Kaufman Green Guide: Budapest: A Green Guide to Budapest. eBook : Kaufman, Rachelle, 

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

You don't want me as a juror under SARS2 circumstances, but you may get stuck with me...

 I haven't been called to jury duty lately, but just reading about the stress of others here is what I have to say if I am.  Sorry, but under the current SARS to circumstances I likely can't uphold justice.   

It's not that I don't want to be a juror under normal circumstances.    In many ways I do...granted when I say that I mean an activist juror.   But you aren't required to state why you made your choice so???   

Realistically, even for this I'd have to put current childcare expectations aside which are ridiculous in the state I live in.   But let's for the sake of this just focus on SARS2.  

I don't even feel comfortable taking the oath.   Because I don't truly believe I can uphold it.   If I say I can, I am probably just doing it under duress.   

Really there are several problems:

1. Given we are in "you do you" territory, I kind of have to do me.   As in my health and safety and that of my family matter more than the unfortunate person who would have me as a juror.   This would be multiplied indefinitely if I got an anti-masker bully judge who made me (or tried to make me) remove my mask.   As in the more dangerous the situation the more I'm doing anything possible to get out of it, even convicting someone who I can't say is guilty.   But at the end of the day, it is my life or theirs.    

2.  I'm not sure I can actually find anyone guilty due to COVID brain.  And no, I'm not talking about my brain.   I'm talking about that of someone who is put on trial.   

As in "how do I know what happened was really the person" and not the person's brain going haywire from SARS2 (COVID).   One thing I have observed: SARS2 will cause people to do things out of character.   And by out of character, I mean both a lack of character and impulsivity.   

I see two problems with that.   First, the simpler, which is what is the point of jailing someone for years, possibly life, if the cognitive impairment was temporary.   

So, if I am called, I fully plan to be an activist juror in most cases and refuse to convict if it is safe for me to do so.   See the first rule, if someone is coughing next to me maskless.   

3.  That being said, I might be able to throw out number 2 under a certain circumstance.   The circumstance being the prosecutor is masked and the defense attorney isn't.   That would also go back to my reasons for why I actually want to be a juror.   I'm not betting on either of them being...but there are sometimes pleasant surprises.  

Anyway, the jury is out on if all this will actually play out in real life.   

Other COVID related posts:

101 How not to Write an Inclusive Unmasking Letter

Maskless "Environmentalists" Throwing Paint: Please Stop

Shouldn't the anti-mask trolls be out enjoying their best life? Why are they here on social media?

Rachelle Kaufman at this point just wants people to stop killing each other.   She doesn't think this is too much to ask, yet 95 percent of the world seems determined to kill each other.   She is also a mother, gardener, and author of a number of books.   For more info on her books please visit Rachelle Kaufman: Books, Biography, Blog, Audiobooks, Kindle 

Thursday, June 22, 2023

Maskless "Environmentalists" Throwing Paint: Please Stop

 There are a lot of ways to help the environment.   Throwing paint at famous works of art isn't one of them.   

You say you want to make people aware of climate change.   The reality is almost everybody has heard of climate change.   The problem is some people are denialists: throwing paint at art isn't going to change this and will be used as a stereotype against all environmentalists.   A lot of people know it but do little and are going to fixate on some small almost meaningless thing they are doing (recycling/straws/plastic bags) and virtue signal on that.  Meanwhile they eat meat and/or drive a big SUV.   I'm not sure what is going to change that either, but it isn't this.   Some people are so overwhelmed in their current situations they might have little choice for the time being or long term.  Throwing paint doesn't change this either.   

And right now, for the time being, I think I may fall into the final category.   Granted the veganism I can manage.   But really let it rip has cost me a lot of my environmentalism, especially when people like these environmentalists go in maskless.   It has forced me to go from being car-free to taking steps to be car-lite.  And having to run air purifiers 24/7.   

And when COVID hit recently I had to resort to buying almost 200 dollars in disposable dishware because I know what my body is prone to.   We will be using disposable dishes for months.   Not to mention having to air condition a house with windows open when it was 80+ degrees outside.   And no I wasn't making my sick child swelter.   Not to mention time lost harvesting and planting food.   I'm sure there is more I'm not even thinking of now.   

But going back to the actual throwing of paint, what does this accomplish?   

The museums aren't going to leave it damaged.   They are probably going to use chemical to fix it including those with animal products.   Those will have to be shipped in a truck.   More vehicle emissions.   

Write a vegan recipe for your friends to try (even if just one or two do it).  Help a family do dishes or a load of cloth diapers and be prepared to mask if they request.   Plant a garden-even a small indoor one.  If you eat animal products stop.   Help teach someone to ride a bike.   Form a human bike lane.  Fix an unsafe street.  Post about climate change.   Whatever, just don't throw paint at art.   

And at the end of the day, you really just make environmentalists look foolish.   

 Rachelle Kaufman is trying to be as good to the environment as she can in this difficult COVID filled world.  She is also a mother, gardener, and author of a number of books.   For more info on her books please visit Rachelle Kaufman: Books, Biography, Blog, Audiobooks, Kindle 

Saturday, April 1, 2023

Bathroom checker jobs can improve quality of life.

Many say that Republicans create jobs.   And in the new job creation program is a new job called bathroom checker of children's genitals.   In fact, some prominent Republicans, even state governors, have volunteered to do this job as a public service.   

In this new job role, the bathroom checker, will take a peek down there before any kid pees or poos to make sure the genitals match those on the birth certificate.   This will also require parents to provide an extra certified copy of their child's birth certificate, but as we know parent's have lots of free time and well this is about freedom y'all.   

One conservative politician who volunteered said "It will be my pleasure to watch the children.   I haven't been so excited and up for anything like this in awhile".   

Another anon transphobe admitted, without a job like this life has been tough.   They have had to live in a closet in their parents' basement.   The job could not only prove pleasurable to them but will help them improve their quality of life.   

"I need to get out of this closet!" says the anon transphobe.  

We also spoke to another transphobe who told us "Look it is all about family values.  I know all about them.   I've been divorced twice and have an out of wedlock kid I didn't bother to see until they were grown" says transphobe number 2.   

Freedom, Job Creation.   That is what this truly is about!   

Study shows wearing clothes isn't good for you. End the clothes mandate.

"It is time to stop requiring people to wear clothes" says a toddler who wishes to remain anon.   

The toddler also states "It is ridiculous I have to wear these leg, arm, and feet diapers".   

According to studies, clothes restrict us from freely peeing and pooping which is not only a natural source of fertilizer, but it helps prevent immunity debt.    We need poop and pee in our environment to protect us from germs.    

The toddler says boobs and breastmilk are a source of happiness.    And the toddler went on to say "shirts restrict this".    

And many find clothes uncomfortable.   Not to mention in our busy lives who has time to wash so much clothing.   Washing all these clothes is stressful for so many families, not to mention expensive.   

Studies also site clothing related injuries.   Blisters from shoes.   Chaffing from shirts.   Injury from getting a pebble stuck in your sock and shoe.   And don't forget items of clothing being caught on things.   

But even more concerning, studies show that clothes are restricting our kid's full development.   Shoes can cause children to not use their feet properly.   Other types of clothes may restrict children's movement or how they are able to play.   

It is time to end the clothes mandate!   

Happy April Fools' Day!   What isn't a joke is that to make sure I can keep doing my advocacy work long term (and more of it), I really could use to increase my book sales.   You can buy my books at Rachelle Kaufman: books, biography, latest update.

Sunday, February 12, 2023

Shouldn't the anti-mask trolls be out enjoying their best life? Why are they here on social media?

 I know I've asked this jokingly.   But if you want to know the psychology behind this there is an actual answer.   

Here is the problem.   The anti-mask trolls are narcissists and narcissists need supply.   And that supply is drying up in the real world.   

Yes, they bullied most of the population and the government out of commonsense public safety health measures, but that created a new problem for them.   A lack of in person people to bully.    Because so many caved to peer pressure to stop masking and so many others opted to protect their health by avoiding indoor spaces (staying home from events, ordering online, etc).    

And now with the majority out in public unmasked they don't know who to pick on.   With the nice maskers now preferring to stay home more there is a higher chance the person they pick on will be another bully.   Picking on a random person has become more of a gamble.   

But they still went out for their fix.   After all there are low paid in person works to bully.   Except when the anti-mask trolls got to their destination, they found two things.   

One: These workers have now become irreplaceable because thanks to lack of COVID measures there aren't enough people willing to work bad jobs for low wages. So, basically the workers don't care if they are unhappy and complain.     

Two: Due to the difficulty in getting low paid workers, the worker they hoped to bully had been replaced by a machine.   Congrats the checker they used to bully is now themselves!   The self-checkout can really care less if you yell at it.   Nor can you get it fired.   

So, back to the internet they went looking for victims to get their supply fix.   And this is where I give you advice-don't feed the trolls.   Report them, block them, print screen and send it to their employers, but truly do not be their supply.   

  About the author: Rachelle Kaufman is an author who would rather not have long term damage from COVID.   She prefers nature, gardening and her COVID careful friends and family to hanging out in public among anti-mask bullies.   For more info on her books please visit Rachelle Kaufman: Books, Biography, Blog, Audiobooks, Kindle 

Friday, February 3, 2023

 I originally posted this to my Facebook page and decided to post this here too.   In large part because I felt like my similar post was meaningful to so many and hearing that I wasn't alone was really helpful to both me and others:   

I'm guessing some people have been wondering about my absence from a certain synagogue. The reality is I haven't gone somewhere else, I've just become completely non-religious. If I am being completely honest, the reason for this is the immense pain I've felt from being excluded over the last half year plus.

This weekend is a perfect example of why this is. A weekend to celebrate "inclusion" while so many have been excluded due to either being disabled or disadvantaged; or even just choosing to not take the risk on becoming one of these by contracting COVID.

"Inclusion Shabbat" is being followed up by having a celebration/processing ceremony in regards to the pandemic. A celebration that originally referred to the pandemic as being over before the wording was quietly changed, but still reflects that a raging pandemic is in the past.

A ceremony that is being called "stepping back in". Yet, so many were never able to step back in. And yet there were those of us who stepped back in, only to have to step back out as restrictions were eliminated with the only safe option being to sit behind a computer screen and watch everyone else gather. The pain of this which for me personally has pushed me far away from religion. At a synagogue that has tons of money and resources and could have provided for everybody. And this was pretty much never acknowledged by anybody except the others who have been excluded.

Let me tell you something from the perspective of those who aren't so privileged. 1. We can't process the "trauma" because ours is ongoing and we are just trying to survive. You can't process when you are in survival mode. 2. If you truly think being bored at home for a few months was "trauma" then perhaps you should consider what life is like for those who have now been stuck at home for years because people won't do the simplest and smallest things like wearing a mask.

So, if you are wondering where I am or why I am gone it is because the religious community choose to exclude me. I do think situations sometimes exist where one group of people is excluded to make another happy-and that is life-and we should just admit it. And lying to people who are being excluded and constantly talking about inclusion only adds to the pain. Those of us who have been excluded know it. Being gaslighted like this about it is toxic and I've chosen to take a step away from this toxic environment.   

Monday, January 30, 2023

We should build urban housing for singles, not families.

 Honestly, there is a lot that drives me crazy about urbanism right now.   But perhaps number one is the desire so many have to build for people who don't want to live in cities, while ignoring those that do.   

Our priority should be building small units that are a few hundred square feet at most.   And we should be building them until the minimum wage fast food worker can afford to live blocks from where they work, if the worker so desires.   

Urbanists are constantly talking about building housing and building larger units for families while ignoring the more needed and desired housing for singles.   At this point, this is a huge mistake and I'm going to list several reasons why.   

Number one: Most families don't want to live in cities.    Even those that want to usually want houses and cars anyways.  

And I would also add, even when families buy/rent units in multi-floor buildings most do not stay.    And it isn't simply a matter of space or doing what everyone else is doing.   There are much larger issues of discrimination.   In particular, micro-aggressions that skirt the laws supposed to protect families.   And realistically, even outside of your own housing people tend to be less tolerant of children in cities and the spaces for children are much nicer in the suburbs.   

A lot of urbanists with families who advocate for families to live in cities don't live in high rises; they live in houses (including duplexes/rowhouses).   But these are honestly, the type of properties that make it harder for others to be able to afford housing.   You just can't fit enough of these, even if they are zero lot, into a city to get everyone who wants to live in a city into one.    

Given this is the type of housing most families want; and I don't blame them given COVID, neighbors who demand silence walking down a hall, etc, many of these families when they can't afford a million dollar townhouse end up moving to a suburb instead.   

Number two: Most singles do want to live in cities.  But many can't afford to.   And many want to or will live car-free.  

And this is the real tragedy.   Singles having to live in places with poor quality transit or no transit due to housing costs.  Examples would include singles living with their parents.  Or if we use dc as an example, commuting into urban areas from places such as Annandale, Alexandria or even further out like Manassas, etc.   Basically, commuting in from places where they can get an affordable place to live.     Then they drive into cities to work and then we hear the "but we have to have parking for workers".    No, what we really need to do is building housing for workers in locations that allow then to walk, bike or take transit to work.  

And I will add the vast majority of people I know who live in studios in urban areas don't own cars.   

Number three: Families don't usually occupy the large units anyways.   And the people who live in them usually have cars.    

My experience is that these units that are so called being built for families with kids are rarely occupied by families with kids.   And if you include families with more than one kid the rareness drops even further.   My experience is that these larger units are mostly occupied by two groups of people: roommates or singles/couples who have a lot of stuff-particularly older couples.   

The roommate situations are probably not much different in terms of usage to smaller units.  But individual units are probably better given the endless COVID situation.   And given the endless COVID situation more people are opting out of roommate situations, even if that equals living in a studio or basement apartment further out.   

However, individuals/couples in larger units when there aren't enough smaller units definitely take away from getting a larger number of people into cities.    On top of that, people who can afford these larger units tend to have money.   And from my experience most of them also tend to have vehicles (and in a number of cases SUVs or pick-ups), even if they sometimes walk, bike or use transit.   But most of them drive at least somewhat frequently too.   They partially take advantage of city living, but also bring something of the suburban lifestyle into the city.   

I have also gotten let's build all of this.   Well, thanks to the poor COVID response, we have a lack of workers, a lack of building materials and even if we didn't this isn't tinker toys.   It actually takes time to build housing and only so much can up so fast.   Choices have to be made.   

These are not just things in my head or theories.   They come from 15+ years of living in numerous condos and apartments and 5+ years of living in a condo with a family until finally giving up on urbanism and moving to a suburban house...but that is a story for another can also read some of it here-  Kaufman Green Books and Guides: Urbanism and how not listening to female voices hurts it.

About the author: Rachelle Kaufman is a YIMBY with life experience around housing.   She is also a mother, gardener, and author of a number of books.   For more info on her books please visit Rachelle Kaufman: Books, Biography, Blog, Audiobooks, Kindle 

Sunday, January 29, 2023

Roasted Potatoes

1 Large Baking Tray
About 3 TBS canola or olive oil
About 1/2 tsp paprika 
About 1/2 tsp garlic powder
About 1/2 tsp salt
24 oz package baby potato medley washed with peels left on cut in half

Preheat oven to 425 degrees.  Amounts do not have to be exact or measured out in advance and will vary based on the size of your tray.   Coat the bottom of the pan in oil (a bit more than greasing, but not drenched either).  Then sprinkle the tray with paprika, garlic powder, and salt.  Cut potatoes in half (these should be small potatoes of no more than two inches).  Remove any eyes on the potato, brown/black spots, and/or green areas.   Place the potatoes with the non-peel side down on the tray.   Takes about 30 minutes to cook.   Check at around 20.   

Roasted Potatoes

Rachelle Kaufman is the author of several books.  She hasn't written a cookbook as of yet and doesn't know if she will.  But she has written the awesome vegan fiction novel: Bubble Burst: The Truth About the Dairy Farm.  

And don't forget to check out my other recipes!   

Monday, January 9, 2023

2023 Update About Kaufman Green Books and Guides

 We are now sadly approaching the 3 years of the COVID pandemic.   For lots of reasons, too many to list in this post, this has not been an easy time for me.   I know that I am not alone in this.   I am sure for some of you it has been even harder than for me.   

The good news is that I am approaching a point where I now have a bit more time to work on my books and blog.   But with a global pandemic with no end date things have to change.    Businesses have to adapt to the new reality and not pretend like it is 2019 again.   On that note, the types of books you are going to see is going to change.   

  • Guide books are going to focus on my knowledge of at home hobbies, most likely starting with gardening.   
  • Expect more fiction books.  We need healthy escapes that don't endanger our health!    There is currently one in the works aimed at elementary and middle school aged kids.   
  • Expect more trivia books.    The other half of world geography book is back in the works after a break from writing books.    
  • Expect more language books.   
  • I am also still working on a book about children's health and car centered lifestyles and car centered design.   Although, this book has been in the works for a while and has evolved over time.   
Most of my titles are still available for sale.   Links and descriptions with updates below for a few and a link to the rest.   

If you would like to see the rest of my books Rachelle Kaufman: books, biography, latest update.    The rest are mostly travel books.   I'll admit some are a bit outdated, but have left them up for those interested.   I know some people also enjoy older guidebooks, because it is interesting to see how things have changed!   There is also An American Jew in Budapest which is mini-book about my travel experiences, rather than a guidebook.   

Anyway, hope you have enjoyed this update and found it helpful.   And maybe even found something to read!   

*As of the writing of this post.    Prices may change.   

What's the deal with J Street (IMHO)

 IMHO, J street is just another form of Zionism, that uses a different tactic that appeals to a more liberal/left wing audience.    In my op...