Thursday, February 27, 2020

Monday, February 24, 2020

List of #bansuvs articles, posts, and books.

Here is a list of as many ban suvs and anti-suv articles, blog posts and books I can find.    Please let me know in the comments if you have something to add.  I will keep a general list organized alphabetically, plus sub lists by topic, lists of articles related to specific locations and lists by publication.   #bansuvs 

Updated: 9/6/2020

General List of Articles and Posts

Public Transit



Bloomberg (City Lab)


Tree Hugger

Friday, February 7, 2020

Spaghetti with peppers

You can add or take away some of these ingredients, in this flexible recipe.  You can also change portions.

1 box spaghetti (cooked according to directions)
2 large green peppers or 4-5 small peppers
1/4 cup earth balance
1 chopped bulb of garlic or one stalk green garlic
1 14oz can chickpeas
1 to 2 stalks celery
10-20 chopped and pitted olives (can be omitted if you don't like olives)
A few chopped spinach leaves
A few leaves of parsley chopped

Heat Earth Balance in the pan until melted.  Add all ingredients except the box of spaghetti over medium-low heat until cooked to your liking.   Place the ingredients on top of the spaghetti and stir to mix through. 

Cinnamon Apple Bread


What's the deal with J Street (IMHO)

 IMHO, J street is just another form of Zionism, that uses a different tactic that appeals to a more liberal/left wing audience.    In my op...