Thursday, November 30, 2023

Post-frost vegetables only soup (or beverage)-vegan and gluten free


This soup uses only vegetables that will survive the first frost.   Made thinner with water this can also be a beverage.   

The very simple directions are broadly chop where needed.  and soak in salt water for at least an hour.  Rinse thoroughly and discard water.  Throw everything into an instant pot (using soup setting).   Cool and then blend in a blender.   


Water (which will be discarded) mixed with 1 to 2 tsp salt.   

One turnip with leaves.   

About 2 cups of additional turnip leaves or kale leaves (Swiss Chard would probably also work).   A mix is preferable.   

About 1/4 cup green onions or green onion clippings*.

About 1 to 2 TBS green garlic.   If you don't have this, you could use a clove of garlic or omit.   

About 1/2 cup cilantro.   

1 to 3 cups water.   If you use one cup it will be thicker, but watch out for burning.   

Highly recommended: Vegan Bouillon Cube.   I used the Massel Pho Cube-see link if interested.   Asian Instant Soup In A Cube Recipes - Massel

Completely Optional: Pasta or rice that people can add in.

Also Optional: Dehydrated Green Onions or Green Garlic for the top

*By clippings I'm referring to the tops that some of us cut off to keep the green onions growing straight.   

And check out my other recipes:

Cinnamon Apple Bread Easy WFPB Pumpkin Cookies

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Lessons from the Hungarian Holocaust: Even with a ceasefire Israel will still continue to kill.

 People often associate the Holocaust with gas chambers and concentration camps.   In Budapest (and other places) there was a lot more to the Holocaust then that.   And as an author of two books on Budapest, I can tell you this; There is a lot that resembles what is happening in Gaza currently.   

I support a ceasefire.   But I don't see that as the end of the genocide of the Israeli government.   In Budapest people were forced out of their homes into small crowded areas.   Sounds familiar.  

Now let's explore how genocide is committed using these techniques.  During the Holocaust in Budapest many people died from disease.   Crowded conditions and lack of resources make it easy for disease to spread and be more deadly.   The Israeli government has forced people out of their homes with bombing and threats of bombing and denied people basic resources like food, water and electricity.  

The spread of disease is even more of a problem currently as we are still in a SARS2 pandemic, despite what various world oligarchs seeking personal gains and reelection say.   And despite what they are pushing those who work under them to say. 

Furthermore, SARS2 carries an advantage in that it damages T-cells and the immune system.   Causing people to have weaker immune systems and more other viruses and diseases to spread.   SARS2 very likely has many long term effects that can be deadly including an increased chance of heart attack and stroke.  And that each even if one doesn't have a heart attack or stroke, each infection one gets is a chance a person might die, especially with limited medical treatment.  In addition to SARS2, tuberculosis is also on the rise.   The government of Israel is not just killing by bullets and bombs, they are also killing by disease.   Even with a ceasefire, the government of Israel still has created the conditions they want to commit genocide and kill the people of Gaza.   

Not only that in Budapest Jews were shot on the streets and near the Danube River.  Now it is worse, in the weapons used are bigger and more deadly.    But even by IF* (Israeli Forces) video, there is video evidence of four likely unarmed surrounding Palestinians being shot dead.   

My point is you don't have to have gas chambers and concentration camps to have a Holocaust.   You simply have to have dehumanization, brainwashed crowds chanting slogans supporting the killing "aka stand with Israel" and even more brainwashed people willing to passively or actively kill for the predator class.   

So, I will say it again.  Never again is never again.   For everybody.  

*I use the term IF verses IDF, because they aren't defense forces when they are attacking the innocent.   

Rachelle Kaufman is the author of a number of books including An American Jew in Budapest eBook : Kaufman, Rachelle and Kaufman Green Guide: Budapest: A Green Guide to Budapest. eBook : Kaufman, Rachelle, 

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

You don't want me as a juror under SARS2 circumstances, but you may get stuck with me...

 I haven't been called to jury duty lately, but just reading about the stress of others here is what I have to say if I am.  Sorry, but under the current SARS to circumstances I likely can't uphold justice.   

It's not that I don't want to be a juror under normal circumstances.    In many ways I do...granted when I say that I mean an activist juror.   But you aren't required to state why you made your choice so???   

Realistically, even for this I'd have to put current childcare expectations aside which are ridiculous in the state I live in.   But let's for the sake of this just focus on SARS2.  

I don't even feel comfortable taking the oath.   Because I don't truly believe I can uphold it.   If I say I can, I am probably just doing it under duress.   

Really there are several problems:

1. Given we are in "you do you" territory, I kind of have to do me.   As in my health and safety and that of my family matter more than the unfortunate person who would have me as a juror.   This would be multiplied indefinitely if I got an anti-masker bully judge who made me (or tried to make me) remove my mask.   As in the more dangerous the situation the more I'm doing anything possible to get out of it, even convicting someone who I can't say is guilty.   But at the end of the day, it is my life or theirs.    

2.  I'm not sure I can actually find anyone guilty due to COVID brain.  And no, I'm not talking about my brain.   I'm talking about that of someone who is put on trial.   

As in "how do I know what happened was really the person" and not the person's brain going haywire from SARS2 (COVID).   One thing I have observed: SARS2 will cause people to do things out of character.   And by out of character, I mean both a lack of character and impulsivity.   

I see two problems with that.   First, the simpler, which is what is the point of jailing someone for years, possibly life, if the cognitive impairment was temporary.   

So, if I am called, I fully plan to be an activist juror in most cases and refuse to convict if it is safe for me to do so.   See the first rule, if someone is coughing next to me maskless.   

3.  That being said, I might be able to throw out number 2 under a certain circumstance.   The circumstance being the prosecutor is masked and the defense attorney isn't.   That would also go back to my reasons for why I actually want to be a juror.   I'm not betting on either of them being...but there are sometimes pleasant surprises.  

Anyway, the jury is out on if all this will actually play out in real life.   

Other COVID related posts:

101 How not to Write an Inclusive Unmasking Letter

Maskless "Environmentalists" Throwing Paint: Please Stop

Shouldn't the anti-mask trolls be out enjoying their best life? Why are they here on social media?

Rachelle Kaufman at this point just wants people to stop killing each other.   She doesn't think this is too much to ask, yet 95 percent of the world seems determined to kill each other.   She is also a mother, gardener, and author of a number of books.   For more info on her books please visit Rachelle Kaufman: Books, Biography, Blog, Audiobooks, Kindle 

What's the deal with J Street (IMHO)

 IMHO, J street is just another form of Zionism, that uses a different tactic that appeals to a more liberal/left wing audience.    In my op...