Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Pina Colada Smoothie (vegan)



1/2 cup water 

1 container coconut based vegan yogurt

1 to 2 bananas preferably frozen

1 pineapple fruit cup (preferably frozen or cold) or small can pineapple or half a larger can.   

Optional: You can sweeten with a TBS of raw sugar.    

Place all ingredients in a blender.   If you used non-frozen ingredients, I recommend chilling in the fridge before drinking.   

Additional recipes, all vegan.    

Turnip leaves


Not sure if this is a full out recipe or just a guide on how to cook turnip leaves.   Yes, that is right the top of the plant is delicious and useful too.   

On this one if you change the number of leaves don't up the oil or lemon a lot.   


A bunch of turnips leaves (think like spinach they cook down a lot).

A few TBS of lemon juice

A few TBS of oil (preferably olive oil, but others will work)

A pinch to 1/2 tsp salt.   

Put the oil in the pan to heat.   Add turnip leaves and salt.    When it is done turn off heat and immediately add lemon juice.    Enjoy.    

Additional recipes, all vegan.    

Friday, May 10, 2024

The day, two years ago, I started to realize the cult was lying to me.

 On my Facebook timeline this morning I was reminded of my horrible experience two years ago.   It started on mother's day when on the first minutes of mother's day around midnight I found myself in an ambulance headed to the ER due to being extremely ill.    After a long day in the ER, I was admitted to the hospital.   

In the process of all this I forgot to bring a charger for my phone or my wallet.    But I had my phone.   So I thought no worries, I'll just contact the cult.   They talked constantly about how helpful they are.   A high holiday lecture given by the rabbi about how we always meet people's needs.   Multiple times a week hearing about Hesed and how the Hesed team would always be there for you.   

So I reached out.   And was quickly told this isn't on the "list' of things they do.    I posted on facebook hoping the many other members on my page would see it and help out.   It was only a 40 minute drive.    Not a big ask for people who claimed to be so helpful.    Lots of likes and hug icons though.   

About 1,700 households were members in the cult.   Yet not one showed up.   Not one cell phone charger.   Not one visitor.   Not one offer for a ride home.   I worried about if I would just be left stranded outside on some bench by the hospital and just get sick all over again, without food water and shelter. I thought about if there was a way I could walk the several miles back to my house despite still being ill. A doctor stepped in and found a nurse with a charge that could charge my phone.  My brother ended up paying uber remotely to take me home after my 3 day stay.   

When I brought up the experience I was constantly gaslighted about it.    People would say why didn't you contact Hesed(I did)?  And then ask me if I did it correctly.    Another person said why didn't you pay someone to pick up a phone and then rudely commented on how much money they perceived I had which wasn't even accurate.    What nobody did was admit the failure.    What nobody did was question the cult.   They questioned me instead.   

Ironically, what I came to learn was that one of the biggest lies the cult tells you to keep you in the cult is that they will help you when in need.   And they also make you feel like no one else will.    They turn you into someone who is so desperate to not be abandoned you will side with them in committing genocide.    

Other posts on Zionism:

Rachelle Kaufman is the author of a number of books including Amazon.com: An American Jew in Budapest eBook : Kaufman, Rachelle.   Having been brainwashed that "Israel is always right" from childhood, Rachelle has overcome that brainwashing to see the truth.   

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

What's the deal with J Street (IMHO)

 IMHO, J street is just another form of Zionism, that uses a different tactic that appeals to a more liberal/left wing audience.    In my opinion and based on my observations, J Street uses a tactic called compartmentalization.   This may be deliberate, or they may do it without knowing it.   

BTW, for those who don't know what J Street is I am not going to go into details here, as it is easy to find. 

Back to compartmentalization.   It is one of seven concepts I wrote about previously related to Zionist Psychology.   So what is it:   

Compartmentalization – Holding two conflicting ideas or behaviors, such as caution and incaution, rather than dealing with the anxiety evoked by considering the incautious behaviors more deeply (hypocrisy)

J Street basically holds the two conflicting ideas of supporting Israel while at the same time supporting peace. That doesn't work because the whole concept of Israel and Zionism is at odds with peace. Zionism hijacked Judaism with goals of turning Jews into warriors and occupying an area of land that was already occupied with an indifference to those already there.

But those in J Street avoid this reality, by refusing to acknowledge what Israel and Zionism actually is: most likely because doing so would produce too much anxiety and force a realization. A realization that would force them to part ways with friends and family most who will no longer accept them when they acknowledge this reality. So they just talk about an unrealistic peace that isn't going to happen as long as Israel exists, especially as it does today.

But the reality is supporting Israel is supporting genocide, killing and theft. Thus, the more hardcore Zionists tend to accept J Street members talk of peace (with an eye roll) because they know as long as they support Israel, they can keep getting away with genocide, theft and continue the apartheid.

Other posts on Zionism:

Rachelle Kaufman is the author of a number of books including Amazon.com: An American Jew in Budapest eBook : Kaufman, Rachelle.   Having been brainwashed that "Israel is always right" from childhood, Rachelle has overcome that brainwashing to see the truth.   

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Avocado-cashew-cilantro bowl


Another easy one.    

Ingredients (makes 3 bowls, can be multiplied or divided)

3 heat and serve 1 minute rice bowls

avocado sliced

1 cup regular, salted or fancy cashews (these are everything bagel cashews from nuts.com).

1/2 cup cilantro chopped.

Make the rice bowls according to directions.   Then arrange the rest to look like this (or you can do it your own way too).    

Additional recipes, all vegan.    

Pad Thai (vegan, gluten-free)


I was on a group post where people were talking about how to make a good vegan pad thai.   Honestly, isn't completely from scratch, but this is how I do it. From another perspective it stretches premade food much further.  Bonus, is that it is gluten free (excluding optional extra).   

Ingredients (you can multiply-this feeds about 2 adults or 1 adult and 2 kids)
Amy's vegan pad thai
1 microwave rice bowl (the type that cooks in a minute)-You can also use other rice-but you will need to precook
1 small box firm or extra firm tofu cubed (If large use half)
1 or 2 carrots sliced diagonally
1 to 2 Tablespoons olive oil
A little bit of water (depending on if pan is non stick)

Optional extras:
up to 2 cups broccoli
vegan meat (may make it not gluten free)
Up to 1 cup sliced red onion
Up to 1 cup chopped cilantro
Up to 2 cups cauliflower
Up to 1 cup canned corn
Up to 2 cups cooked white potatoes (air fried or fried, boiled, canned)
Up to 2 cups chopped leafy greens (kale, turnip greens, etc)


1. First, consider which type of pan you want to use-a metal or a non-stick.   A large frying pan is recommended, but you can also use a larger pot.    If using metal you'll need a little more oil and you'll need water.   Even in a non-stick a small amount of water is helpful.   We are talking tablespoons not cups.    

2. Heat the water and oil, on about 6 or 7.   Add the hard vegetables (carrots and optionals) and onions.   You may possibly add optional vegan meat at this point depending how pre-cooked it is.   Be careful when adding vegetables that you don't burn yourself.   

3.  Put the pad thai in the microwave.    Continue to let the vegetables cook.   Depending on how they are looking you may want to turn down heat (but not off).   

4.   When pad thai is ready add it.   Then add tofu and quicker cooking vegetables (like the leafy greens, cilantro).    Optional, more pre-cooked or cooked vegan meat also goes in here.   

5.    While that cooks put the microwave rice in the microwave.  When it is done add the rice.    After that it should be pretty much ready.    If you aren't quiet ready to eat right then, make sure to turn heat down to lowest setting possible or even completely off.  

Additional recipes, all vegan.    

Thursday, December 28, 2023

Vegan Parfait

 Vegan Parfait

This is an easy to make treat!   You can multiply the recipe depending how many you are making.   Each makes ones.   


One vegan yogurt (I used So-Delicious Coconut)

One oreo cookie crumbled

A few slices of pear (cut similar to picture).   

A handful of trail mix

Just follow the picture and arrange as seen.   I like to go in the order oreo, pear slices and then trail mix. Enjoy!   

   And check out my other recipes:

Cinnamon Apple Bread Easy WFPB Pumpkin Cookies

Lime Flavored Rice

Marinated Black Beans

Mayo (vegan)

Pina Colada Smoothie (vegan)

  Ingredients: 1/2 cup water  1 container coconut based vegan yogurt 1 to 2 bananas preferably frozen 1 pineapple fruit cup (preferably froz...